student life

Our Affiliate


We have strategic partnership agreement and arrangement with universities, colleges and polytechnics across the continents. We have exchange, study and research programmes with universities in Europe, North and South America, Africa and in Asia.


was founded as a non-denominational institution with the goal of breaching the gap in the educational system in Cameroon and beyond by providing a demanding, yet supportive educational experience. MGU-HIPS challenges its students to exceed their highest ambitions


At the heart of this education is the General Requirement, which exposes all our students to primary fields of inquiry and the cultural values that shape our world. We expect our students to perform at the highest level and set demanding standards in the classroom and virtual environments.

Our Partners

Partnership Government

We aim to work and partner with governments of different countries where our students will be deployed on request to provide quality services as well as gaining practical experience on national issues. We will provide voluntary and professional services for countries in Europe, North and South America, Africa and in Asia

Partnership Organisations

Our students have the opportunity to work with our partnering organisation across the Globe for access to practical knowledge, hands on experience as well as conduct research and provide support. We have divers organisation cutting across several industries which include manufacturing, petroleum, insurance, health etc.

Partnership Universities

We have strategic partnership agreement and arrangement with universities, colleges and polytechnics across the continents. We have exchange, study and research programmes with universities in Europe, North and South America, Africa and in Asia.


Mt. Cameroon Sports Complex,
Liongo, Kumba highway,
200m from Muea Market,
Buea ,SWR Cameroon.
Tel: (+237) 659422233
Whatsapp: (+237)659422233


De Igirigi ventures (acadamic consultants)
In-Service education unit, Nuclear medicine House,
University of port Harcourt Teaching Hospital,
choba, Rivers State, Nigeria
Phone : (+234) 8037093491, 9054780584


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