International Student

Studying abroad provides opportunities to learn, grow, and explore other cultures. Not only will you experience how people live in another part of the world, but you will also open your mind to different ways of thinking. You will gain deeper insights into your own culture and how others perceive it.

International travel will also give you a critical advantage in our increasingly global society – cross-cultural awareness, adaptability and problem-solving skills are qualities that earn you respect in the job market and give you the confidence to succeed.

What we Can Do for you

We first can arrange for you our prospective international student to visit and take a tour of our campuses, environments and lecture rooms and facilities. For prospective international students we arrange every process necessary for you to get visiting visa. We partner with Educational consultants who can advice you through the process. Please contact our international office for more information or give us a call today.


We know you may not be too familiar with the environment. We can arrange a taxi pick up for you from the airport or bus station which will bring you straight to the campus and also using the opportunity to show you around along the way

Special Tour

We also can arrange for a special tour not only on campus but also around the town showing you the beauty and tourist attraction. We know you will love it


Are you considering where to stay when you visit? Would you like to have a feel of where you would live as a student in Meridian Our Accommodation is suitable for you. Please Contact our Accommodation Office for more details

What More

In Meridian we also have partnership with the Neighbourhood landlords and hostel who provide very convinient and inspected Accomodation for a very discounted rate for our students and visitors

Our Admission Policy

MGU-HIPS admission policy is based on the philosophy of "Open Admissions." In its purest form, it allows GCE Advanced Level or equivalent thereby, allowing any student who has successfully completed high school the opportunity to pursue professional studies. The minimum requirement for admission is a pass in two Advance Level subjects or its equivalent.

Admission Procedures and Conditions

The Admissions Office is available to assist prospective students with the process of submitting an application for admission. Individuals interested in information about MGU-HIPS, its programs, and the application process are invited to contact the Admissions Office. MGU-HIPS reserves the right to limit enrollment in any of its programs, and requirements may vary from program to program.

Admissions Decisions

MGU-HIPS does not discuss decisions regarding an applicant's file. Admissions decisions are final and are not subject to appeal.


Are you considering where to stay when you visit? Would you like to have a feel of where you would live as a student in Meridian Our Accommodation is suitable for you. Please Contact our Accommodation Office for more details


Mt. Cameroon Sports Complex,
Liongo, Kumba highway,
200m from Muea Market,
Buea ,SWR Cameroon.
Tel: (+237) 659422233
Whatsapp: (+237)659422233


De Igirigi ventures (acadamic consultants)
In-Service education unit, Nuclear medicine House,
University of port Harcourt Teaching Hospital,
choba, Rivers State, Nigeria
Phone : (+234) 8037093491, 9054780584


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